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View of all Beasts of Daniel 7 and 8

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View of All Beasts of Daniel 7 and 8

General Interpretation Principle: Succession of Kingdoms - from one separate kingdom to another.  For more information, see Prophetic Rules of Interpretation in the Main Menu

Click on beasts for more information on each beast

Daniel 7
Daniel 8 Beasts (Ram and Goat)
Raised shoulder (or paw) on bear indicates same thing as a higher horn on ram
Time Progression: One horn comes up after the other (ram)
Time Progression: Body to heads (leopard), or one horn to 4 horns (goat)
Single horned goat
becomes 4 horned goat
Time of the leopard body =
single horn time
of goat
Time Progression: Body & Head to horns



















Information About the Graphics Above To Help You Understand Them

All 4 beasts of Daniel 7 are placed above a time line to show that time moves forward to the right as the kingdoms appear in history one by one.  Note that the bear of Daniel 7 is also represented by the ram (male sheep) of Daniel 8, so both are shown occupying the same time period.  The body of the 4 headed leopard of Daniel 7 is also represented by the single horned goat of Daniel 8 and this is shown by the goat being on the left side of that time period with the single arrow pointing both to the leopard body and the single horned goat to indicate they represent the same time period.  The heads of the 4 headed leopard of Daniel 7 is represented by the 4 horned goat (the 4 horns actually correspond to the 4 heads) of Daniel 8.  This is shown by having the 4 horned goat on the right side of that time period and the single arrow pointing both to the 4 heads of the leopard and the 4 horns of the goat.  Hopefully, this makes things clear.

Discussion of Interpretation of the Beasts of Daniel

There are individuals who have argued that the book of Daniel was written after all the kingdoms predicted by the vision of Daniel 7 have appeared on the scene.  This, of course, presumes that there is no God who has the ability to look forward through time and foresee what will come.  The authors reject that foundation as false.  However, because of this attempt to post date the writing of the book of Daniel, the authors of this web page believe that you should have an opportunity to determine for yourself that the book of Daniel was written ahead of the events depicted therein.  Click here for a web page that has a discussion of the dating of the book of Daniel.   This web page just referred to is well documented and might be worth your time to read it.

Some argue that Rome did not fall in 476 AD, but most historians date the fall of Rome from that date.  There are some who argue that Rome never really fell, that it simply had kings from other groups that took over the throne.  But historically, it lost control over large areas of territory over time and these were taken up by the breakup of its empire.  So, it did fall apart.  476 AD seems the best date for that based on history.

The rules of interpretation of Daniel and Revelation are partially explained here, but for a complete list with an explanation, please see the page of Rules of Interpretation of Daniel and Revelation.  Understanding the rules of interpretation of Daniel is important because they will help you properly understand the beasts of Revelation 12, 13, and 17.

These beasts show a progression from one kingdom to another.  We call this the Succession Principle, which says that when a completely different kingdom takes over the territory and government of a previous kingdom, then a kingdom succession has occurred.  This is not to say the previous kingdom is necessarily completely destroyed, only that it is no longer in control of a large territory as before and another has taken over.  This does imply that a complete takeover of most of the territory has occurred, not a split-up of a kingdom from internal events.  There has been an invasion from an external power.  Examples of the Succession Princple are clearly seen above.  Babylon was conquered by Medo-Persia, which in turn was conquered by the Greeks, which in turn was conquered by the Romans.

This is in contrast to the splitting up of a kingdom into smaller parts such as happened to Rome or Greece.  Here the original kingdoms simply split up into smaller, weaker kingdoms, but retained much of the characteristics of the original kingdom.  The kingdoms resulting from the breakup of Greece were essentially Greek, which resulted in what historians call the Hellenistic Age, in which Greek culture and practices were propagated throughout most of these kingdoms.  This began under the empire formed by Alexander the Great, and when he died, this practice was simply continued.  Contrast that with the takeover of Babylon by Medo-Persia, in which the invaders were not at all Babylonian in character, but rather had their own customs and laws.  Alexander the Great certainly had his own customs and laws, but when his kingdom broke up, the same customs and laws were essentially retained.  Thus, the breakup kingdoms were like what came before them and resulted from what came before.

The splitting up of a kingdom into smaller, weaker kingdoms is symbolized for Greece by the 4 headed leopard as happened in Daniel 7, or the single horn on a goat becoming 4 horns as happened in Daniel 8.  We are currently calling this the Miller Principle (named for a man in the 1800s who made much of America aware of this idea during a religious awakening that occurred in the 1830s and 1840s).  The idea of the Miller Principle is that for beasts with multiple heads or horns, the body represents the time during the initial stage of a kingdom (if there is only 1 head then it is included with the time period represented by the body), the multiple heads (where present) represent the next stage of that kingdom where it is split into smaller kingdoms, and finally the multiple horns represent the final stage of a split up kingdom.  In other words, a kingdom will start out as one whole kingdom  which is not a breakup product of another kingdom (the body represents this), eventually splits into multiple parts (the heads represent this), and later still splits into perhaps more multiple parts (the horns represent this).  Each part represents a separate and distinct time period from what came before.  The emphasis here is the division of time periods that correspond to body parts on the symbolic beast's body.

The fact that a split up kingdom results in smaller, weaker kingdoms is the basis for the Difference Principle, which states that the split up kingdoms will be different from the original kingdom because they will be smaller and weaker than the original.  Each will have fewer people and occupy a smaller area than the original kingdom.

The split up kingdoms represented by multiple heads and horns are normally similar to the original kingdom because they will be political kingdoms also, so this is the basis of the Similarity Principle. You can generalize this observation to say that a political kingdom will follow a political kingdom and a religious kingdom will follow a religious kingdom, unless an exception is stated for that kingdom.  An example of an exception is the stout horn with the eyes and mouth of Daniel 7 on the 4th beast.  It is more accurately described as a religious power, though it has political power (all prophetic beasts have political power to some degree or another), so it is an exception to the fact that the kingdom it came out of was political (Rome).

When exceptions to the previously existing rule occur on a beast (such as the stout horn on the 4th beast of Daniel 7, which I like to call the Talking Horn), we call this the Exception Principle, which says that when an exception occurs for the body of a beast or heads or horns, one follows that exception until that beast or heads or horns are done in history.  In other words, once the exception is stated, it applies to the kingdom symbolized by that body part and to any power that follows it on the same symbol. 

The Precedence Principle come into play here as well, for it says that previously demonstrated rules cover future use of the same symbolism unless there is a statement making an exception to the rule.  This is an inferred rule based on observation of the beasts in Daniel, and Revelation also because there are very similar beasts in Revelation.  This also logically flows from the Author's Consistency Principle, which states that God was the designer of the visions of both Daniel and Revelation and therefore would have used consistent rules of interpretation of both books where common symbolism is used (consider that neither Daniel nor John designed those visions!).  God would have designed into both visions common rules of interpretation so that there would not be one set of rules for Daniel and another for Revelation.  To design in different rules for both books would have set us up for confusion - we would likely be unable to determine if we have accurately interpreted either book.

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Time Moves To the Right on the Arrow