(The page last updated March 15, 2003)

  1. Abbott T. K. Epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colossians. International Critical Commentary (T.& T. Clark, 1956)

  2. Adams, Jay E. Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon. The Christian Counselor's Commentary (Timeless Texts, 1994)

  3. Allen, Stuart Letters From Prison. An Exposition of the Prison Epistles of the Apostle Paul: Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Philippians, 2 Timothy. (Berean Publishing Trust, 1975)

  4. Amato, Steve "Colossians"

  5. Andrews, John N. "Colossians II, 14--17," in White, James The Seventh Day of the Week is the Sabbath of the Lord. (Rochester, NY: Advent Review Office, 1854? microfilm): pages 49-54.

  6. Armstrong, Herbert W. "Chapter Inset: Colossian 2:16," dead link; but I have a hard copy.

  7. Arndt, William F. and Gingrich, F. Wilbur A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. (Univ. of Chicago Press, 1979)

  8. Arnold III, William "A Commentary on the Book of Colossians"

  9. Ash, Anthony Lee Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon. The College Press NIV Commentary (College Press, 1994)

  10. Ashley, Scott "Essay: Does Colossians 2:16 show the Sabbath is no longer necessary," dead link, but I have a hard copy

  11. Bacchiocchi, Samuele The Sabbath in the New Testament: Answers to Questions. (Biblical Perspectives, 1988 expanded edition)

  12. _______ From Sabbath to Sunday. (Pontifical Gregorian Univ. Press, 1977)

  13. _______ The Sabbath Under Crossfire: A Biblical Analysis of Recent Sabbath/Sunday Developments.

  14. Barclay, William The Letters to the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. Revised Edition (Westminster Press, 1975)

  15. Barnes, Albert "Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians," Notes on the New Testament. Edited by Robert Frew. (Baker Books, 1998 reprint; originally published 1884-5)

  16. Barth, Markus and Helmut Blanke. Colossians. A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. Anchor Bible 34B. (Doubleday, 1994)

  17. Bauer, Walter, Ardnt, William F. and Gingrich, F. Wilbur A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Second Edition, revised and augmented by F. Wilbur Gingrich and Frederick W. Danker (University of Chicago, 1979)

  18. Beasley-Murray, G. R. "The Second Chapter of Colossians," Review and Expositor 70 (1973): 469-79.

  19. Bengel, John Albert Bengel's New Testament Commentary. Vol. 2 (Kregel, 1981)

  20. Berkhof, Louis New Testament Introduction. (Eerdmans, 1915).

  21. Bernard, David K. "Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?"

  22. Blair, Edward P. Philippians, Colossians and First and Second Thessalonians. Basic Bible Commentary (Abingdon Press, 1988)

  23. Bornkamm, Gunther "The Heresy of Colossians," Conflict at Colossae. (SBL, 1973)

  24. Bowen, Jim "Colossians 2:16-17," dead link, but I have a hard copy.

  25. Bowman, Jr., Robert M. "Samuele Bacchiocchi on Paul and the Sabbath: A Critique of Samuele Bacchiocchi's Treatment of Colossians 2:16 in His Book From Sabbath to Sunday (Pontifical Gregorian University Press, 1977)," (CRI Statement DB020); dead link, but I have a hard copy.

  26. Brinsmead, Robert D. "Sabbatarianism Re-examined: Colossians 2:16"

  27. Bruce, F. F. The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians. New International Commentary on the New Testament. (Eerdmans, 1984)

  28. Buzzard, Anthony "Colossians 2:16 and the Sabbath Question," article #150 (hard copy available through Restoration Fellowship)

  29. _______ The Law, The Sabbath and New Testament Christianity. (Self-published, n.d.)

  30. Caird, G. B. Paul's Letters From Prison. (Oxford University Press, 1976)

  31. Calderwood, David "Reasons Against Festival Days."

  32. Campbell, Ernest R. Colossians & Philemon. (Canyonview Press, 1982)

  33. Camping, Harold "Sunday the Sabbath?," @ for download.

  34. Cannata, Raymond "Staying out of the Shadow-land. Colossians 2:16-23," dead link, but I have a hard copy.

  35. Canright, D. M. "Chapter XV - The Jewish Sabbath Abolished. Colossians 2. From "Seventh-day Adventism Renounced""

  36. Carson, Herbert M. Colossians and Philemon. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Eerdmans, 1960)

  37. Casale, Marie " Seventy Scriptures on the Sabbath," @

  38. Chumney, Eddie The Seven Feasts of the Messiah -- Chapter 2: An Overview of the Festivals

  39. Clark, Gordon H. Colossians. (Trinity Foundation, 1979)

  40. Clarke, Adam "Commentary"

  41. Cleveland, Sydney "Why Sunday? A Brief Look at Why Most Christians Worship on Sunday"

  42. Coffen, Richard W. "Colossians 2:14-17," Ministry 45 (1972): 13-5.

  43. Coffman, James Burton Commentary on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians. (Firm Foundation, 1977)

  44. Coltheart, David An Examination of Colossians 2:14-17. (Andrews University, 1974)

  45. Constantelos, Demetrios J. "Religious Cultural Diversity and Christian Unity in the Church of Colossae: An Exegesis of Colossians 2.16 to 3.4," in Agape and Diakonia: Essays in Memory of Bishop Gerasimos of Abydos. Edited by Fr. Peter A. Chamberas (Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1998)


  47. Cramer, Bob Nguyen "The BIBLETEXTS Online Bible Commentary: Colossians"

  48. Daille, Jean (1594-1670) An Exposition of the Apostle Paul to the Colossians. (Klock & Klock, 1983 reprint; orig. 1648)

  49. Dana, H. E. and Mantey, Julius R. A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament. (Macmillan, 1955)

  50. Deck, Norman C. The Lord's day or the Sabbath. (Pickering, n.d.)

  51. DeJong, Shawn Jay An Analysis of the Book of Colossians. (Cavalry Theological Seminary, April 1998)

  52. De Lacey, D. R. "The Sabbath/Sunday Question and the Law in the Pauline Corpus," in From Sabbath to Lord's Day: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Investigation. Edited by D. A. Carson (Zondervan, 1982): 160-95.

  53. DeLashmutt, Gary "Colossians 2:16-23 3 Spiritual Red Herrings"

  54. Donelson, Lewis R. Colossians, Ephesians, First and Second Timothy, and Titus. Westminster Bible Companion (Westminster Press, 1996)

  55. D'Sena, George W. The Sabbath, The Lord's Day and God's Word. (The People's Church, 1971)

  56. Dunn, James D. G. The Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon. A Commentary on the Greek Text (Eerdmans, 1996)

  57. _______ "The 'Body' in Colossians," To Tell the Mystery: Essays on New Testament Eschatology in Honor of Robert H. Gundry. Edited by Thomas E. Schmidt and Moises Silva. (JSOT, 1994)

  58. Dunnam, Maxie D. Colossians. Vol 8 of The Communicator's Commentary. Lloyd J. Ogilvie, Gen. Editor (Word, 1982)

  59. du Preez, Ron The Sabbath in Colossians 2:14-17 with Implications for Salvation. Research paper for THST685 Seminar in Systematic Theology (Andrews University, 1989)

  60. Eadie, John Commentary on the Epistle of Paul to the Colossians. (Zondervan, 1957 reprint; orig. 1856)

  61. Efrid, James M. Christ, The Church, and the End: Studies in Colossians and Ephesians. (Judson Press, 1980)

  62. Erdman, Charles R. The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon: An Exposition. (Westminster Press, 1933)

  63. Evans, Darroll "Colossians-Chapter 2"

  64. Fausset, A. R. "1 Corinthians - Revelation," A Commentary: Critical, Experimental, and Practical on the Old and New Testaments. Vol. 3 (Eerdmans, 1978 reprint)

  65. Fields, Wilbur Philippians-Colossians Philemon. Bible Study Textbook Series (College Press, 1969)

  66. Ford, Desmond "book review of Ratzlaff's Sabbath in Crisis"

  67. Fortner, Don "A Few More Thoughts About Sabbath Keeping: Colossians 2:16-17"

  68. Furnish, Victor Paul "Colossians, Epistle to the," Anchor Bible Dictionary. Vol. 1, David Noel Freedman, Editor in Chief (Doubleday, 1992)

  69. Gannett, Alden A. Christ Preeminent: A Commentary on Colossians. (Kregel, 1998)

  70. Garland, David E. Colossians and Philemon. The NIV Application Commentary: From Biblical Text ... to Contemporary Life. (Zondervan, 1998)

  71. Giem, Paul "Sabbaton in Col 2:16," Andrews University Seminary Studies 19 (1981): 195-210.

  72. Gill, John (1697-1771) "Exposition of the Bible"

  73. Gladson, Jerry A. "The Sabbath in Christian Life: A Reconsideration" was published in AToday (Jul/Aug 1996)

  74. Goppelt, Leonhard "poma, posis, poton, potos," TDNT. Vol. 6 (Eerdmans, 1968): 145-60.

  75. Guthrie, Donald Epistles From Prison: Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon. Bible Guides, #19 (Lutterworth and Abingdon, 1964)

  76. Hafley, Larry Ray "Queries and Explications: What is the Sabbath of Colossians 2:14-16?"

  77. Harrington, Daniel Paul's Prison Letters: On Paul's Letters to Philemon, the Philippians, and the Colossians. Spiritual Commentaries (New City Press, 1997)

  78. Harris, Murray J. Colossians & Philemon. Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament (Eerdmans, 1991)

  79. Hasel, Gerhard F. "Sabbath," Anchor Bible Dictionary. Vol. 5: 849-56. (Doubleday, 1992)

  80. Hawkins, Yisrayl "What Yahweh's Feasts Mean to You," @

  81. Hay, David M. Colossians. Abingdon New Testament Commentaries (Abingdon Press, 2000)

  82. Hayes, Holly Diane "Colossians 2:6-19," Interpretation 49 (1995): 285-8.

  83. Hendrickson, William "Exposition of Colossians," New Testament Commentary. (Baker Books, 1964)

  84. Henry, Matthew "Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible"

  85. Hess, Charles "Colossians Chapter Two"

  86. Howell, W. E. "Anent Colossians 2:16," Ministry (1936): 18-9.

  87. Hughes, R. Kent Colossians and Philemon: The Supremacy of Christ. (Crossway Books, 1989)

  88. Huie, Bryan T. "What was the Colossian Heresy?"

  89. Hultgren, Arland J. "Colossians," The Deutero-Pauline Letters: Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus. Proclamation Commentaries: Gerhard Krodel, editor. (Fortress Press, 1993)

  90. Hunter, Archibald M. The Letter of Paul to the Colossians. Vol. 22 The Layman's Bible Commentary (John Knox Press, 1959)

  91. Ironside, H. A. Colossians. Revised Edition (Loizeaux, 1929, revised 1997)

  92. Japas, Salim Feast, New Moon, Sabbath in Colossians 2:16. (Andrews University, 1974)

  93. Jewett, Paul K. The Lord's Day. (Eerdmans, 1971)

  94. Johnson, Doug "The Substance Belongs To Christ"

  95. Johnson, Jr., S. Lewis "Studies in the Epistle to the Colossians, Part VIII: The Paralysis of Legalism," Bibliotheca Sacra 120/478 (April 63): 109-16.

  96. Knight, John A. Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. Beacon Bible Expositions. Volume 9. (Beacon Hill Press, 1985)

  97. Korth, Jim "Keeping the Sabbath,"  dead link, but I have a hard copy.

  98. Kuschel, Harlyn J. Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. The People's Bible (Northwestern Publishing, 1986)

  99. Ladd, George Eldon A Theology of the New Testament. Revised Edition, edited by Donald A. Hagner (Eerdmans, 1974, reprinted 1994)

  100. Lane, William L. Ephesians - 2 Thessalonians. Bible Study Book (Eerdmans, 1969)

  101. Lenski, R. C. H. "Colossians," Commentary on the New Testament. (Hendrickson, 1998 printing)

  102. Liddell, Henry George and Scott, Robert A Greek-English Lexicon. (Oxford, 1992 impression)

  103. Lightfoot, J. B. Saint Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon. (Macmillan, 1892)

  104. Lightfoot, J. B. "The Colossian Heresy," Conflict at Colossae. (SBL, 1973): pages 13-59.

  105. Lincoln, A. T. "From Sabbath to Lord's Day: A Biblical and Theological Perspective," From Sabbath to Lord's Day: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Investigation. Edited by D. A. Carson (Academie Books, 1982)

  106. Loane, Marcus L. Three Letters from Prison: Studies in Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon. (Word Books, 1972)

  107. Lohse, Eduard "sabbaton, paraskeun," TDNT. (Eerdmans, 1971): 7:1-35.

  108. _______ Colossians and Philemon. Hermenia Series. Translated by William R. Poehlmann and Robert J. Karris (Fortress Press, ET 1971)

  109. MacArthur, John "Are the Sabbath laws binding on Christians today?"

  110. _______ "Spiritual Intimidation--Part 1"

  111. MacDonald, Margaret Y. Colossians and Ephesians. Sacra Pagina series, Vol. 17 (Liturgical Press, 2000)

  112. Mansell, D. E. "Thoughts on Colossians 2:14-17," Ministry 44/12 (1971): 27-9.

  113. Martin, Ernest D. Colossians, Philemon. Believers Church Bible Commentary (Herald Press, 1993)

  114. Martin, Ralph P. Colossians and Philemon. New Century Bible Commentary (Eerdmans, 1973)

  115. Martin, Troy "Pagan and Judeo-Christian Time-Keeping Schemes in Gal 4.10 and Col 2.16," New Testament Studies 42 (1996): 105-119.

  116. _______ By Philosophy and Empty Deceit: Colossians as a Response to a Cynic Critique. (Sheffield Academic Press, 1996)

  117. _______ "But Let Everyone Discern the Body of Christ (Colossians 2:17)," Journal of Biblical Literature 114/2 (1995): 249-255.

  118. Martin, Walter "The Sabbath and the Lord's Day," dead link, but I have a hard copy.

  119. McCallum, Dennis and Delashmutt, Gary "Definition of Universal and Local Church".

  120. McDonald, H. Dermot Commentary on Colossians & Philemon. (Word Books, 1980)

  121. McGee, J. Vernon Philippians and Colossians. (Thru the Bible Books, 1977)

  122. McKenzie, Rolaant L. "11. Judging the Day One Keeps"

  123. Melick, Jr., Richard R. Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. New American Commentary series, vol. 32 (Broadman, 1991)

  124. Moule, C. F. D. The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians and to Philemon. Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary (Cambridge, 1958)

  125. Moule, H. C. G. Colossian Studies: Lesson in Faith and Holiness. Second Edition (Pickering & Inglis, 1898)

  126. Muncherian, Stephen "How To Really Mess Up Our Faith"

  127. Murray, John The Epistle to the Romans. The New International Commentary on the New Testament (Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1968)

  128. Mussner, Franz "The Epistle to the Colossians," in Gnilka, Joachim and Franz Mussner The Epistle to the Philippians and the Epistle to the Colossians. (Herder and Herder, 1971)

  129. Neill, Stephen Paul to the Colossians. World Christian Books No. 50 (Association Press, 1964)

  130. Newman, J. David "Tackling Tricky Texts: 3 Colossians 2:16-17"

  131. Newton, Phil "Beware of Fakes Colossians 2:16-19"

  132. Nichol, Francis D. Answers to Objections. (Review and Herald Publishing, 1952)

  133. Nickels, Richard C. "New Moons"

  134. Nisbett, Michael John "Difficult Bible Texts"

  135. NIV Study Bible. Kenneth Barker, General Editor. (Zondervan, 1985)

  136. Noel, Ted "Sabbath-Sunday Discussion. Installment 6," email correspondence 9/12/2000

  137. O'Brien, Peter "Colossians," New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition. (IVP, 1994)

  138. _______ "Colossians," Word Biblical Commentary. Vol. 44 (Word Books, 1982)

  139. Olshausen, Hermann Biblical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. (T. & T. Clark, 1851)

  140. Oppenheimer, Mike "Colossians 2:16 Sabbaths or Sabbath?"

  141. Overton, Basil "What About The Sabbath?".

  142. Patzia, Arthur G. Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon. New International Biblical Commentary (Hendrickson, 1990)

  143. Paul, William E. "The New Testament: An Understandable Version"

  144. Paulien Jon, "An Exegetical Overview of Col 2:13-17; With Implications for SDA Understanding"

  145. Paxton, Geoffrey J. The Shadow and the Solid Reality", Present Truth Volume Nine - Article 3

  146. Peake, A. S. "Colossians," Expositor's Greek Testament. (Eerdmans, 1961 reprint)

  147. Penton, Glen "How to Apply the Torah of Freedom"

  148. Pipa, Joseph A. The Lord's Day. (Christian Focus, 1997)

  149. Pokorny, Petr Colossians: A Commentary. Translated by Siegfried S. Schatzmann (Hendrickson, ET, 1991)

  150. Ratzlaff, Dale Sabbath in Crisis: Transfer/Modification? Reformation/Continuation? Fulfillment/Transformation? (Life Assurance Ministries, 1990)

  151. _______ "Response" Book review by Desmond Ford

  152. Read, David H. C. Good News in the Letters of Paul: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians and Philemon in Today's English Version. (Collins World, 1977)

  153. Reagan, David R. "The Feasts of Israel: A Study in Symbolic Prophecy"

  154. Richison, Grant C. "Colossians 2:16,17"

  155. Richardson, William E. "Sabbath: nailed to the cross? Colossians 2:14-17 revisited"

  156. _______ A Study of the Historical Background and the Interpretation of Colossians 2:14-17. M. A. Thesis, Andrews University, August 1960.

  157. Ridderbos, Herman Paul: An Outline of His Theology. Translated by John Richard De Witt (Eerdmans, 1975)

  158. Rienecker, Fritz A Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament. (Regency Reference Library, 1980)

  159. Riggle, H. M. "The Sabbath and the Lord's Day" Originally published in 1928

  160. Robertson, Archibald Thomas Paul and the Intellectuals: The Epistle to the Colossians. (Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1928)

  161. Rogers, Patrick V. Colossians. (Michael Glazier, Inc., 1980)

  162. Rutherfurd, John St Paul's Epistles to Colossae and Laodicea. (T. & T. Clark, 1908)

  163. Salemi, Peter "Is the Sabbath obsolete?: Colossians 2:16, 17"

  164. Scheiffler, Michael "The Shadow Sabbaths of Colossians 2:17"

  165. Schmidt, Dennis "COLOSSIANS"

  166. Schulz, Seigfried "skia," TDNT. Vol. 7 (Eerdmans, 1971): 394-400.

  167. Schweizer, Eduard The Letter to the Colossians: A Commentary. Translated by Andrew Chester (Augsburg Publishing, 1976, ET 1982)

  168. Scott, E. F. The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians, to Philemon and to the Ephesians. Moffat New Testament Commentary (Harper & Row, 1930)

  169. SDA Bible Commentary = Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary. Vol. 7: Philippians - Revelation (Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1980)

  170. Segraves, Daniel L. "Why Don't Christians obverve the Jewish Sabbath?"

  171. Simpson, E. K. and Bruce, F. F. Commentary of the Epistles to the Ephesians and the Colossians. (Eerdmans, 1965)

  172. Smith, Earl C. Paul's Gospel. (Greenwich Book, 1960)

  173. Stedman, Ray C. "The Things That Can Ruin Your Faith"

  174. _______ "The Seventh Day"

  175. Stockhausen, Carol L. Letters in the Pauline Tradition: Ephesians, Colossians, I Timothy, II Timothy and Titus. Message of Biblical Spirituality, Volume 13 (Michael Glazier, 1989)

  176. Thayer, Joseph Henry A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. 4th Edition (T. & T. Clark, 1951)

  177. Thomas, W. H. Griffith Studies in Colossians and Philemon. (Baker Book, 1973)

  178. Thompson, G. H. P. The Letters of Paul to the Ephesians, to the Colossians and to Philemon. Cambridge Bible Commentary (Cambridge, 1967)

  179. Thornton, T. C. G. "Jewish New Moon Festivals, Galatians 4:3-11 and Colossians 2: 16," Journal of Theological Studies 40 (1989): 97-100.

  180. Thurston, Bonnie Bowman Reading Colossians, Ephesians, and 2 Thessalonians: A Literary and Theological Commentary. (Crossroad, 1995)

  181. Tolbert, Malcolm O. Colossians, Philippians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon. Layman's Bible Book Commentary, Volume 22 (Broadman Press, 1980)

  182. Vaughan, Curtis Colossians and Philemon: Bible Study Commentary. Study Guide Series (Zondervan, 1980)

  183. _______ "Colossians," Expositor's Bible Commentary. Vol. 11 (Zondervan, 1978)

  184. Vincent, Marvin R. Word Studies in New Testament. Vol. 3 (Charles Scribner's, 1924)

  185. Vine, W. E. The Expanded Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. (Bethany House, 1984)

  186. von Speyr, Adrienne The Letter to the Colossians. Translated by Michael J. Miller (Ignatius Press, 1998)

  187. Wagatsuma, Saizou Christ's Ministry Today and Shadow: The Exegesis of Col 2:16-17. (Andrews University, 1982)

  188. Waldron, Samuel "The Lord's Day"

  189. Wall, Robert W. Colossians & Philemon. The IVP New Testament Commentary Series (IVP Press, )

  190. Walker, Larry J. "Colossians 2:16-17", "Colossians 2:16-17 (No. 205)," and at "Colossians 2:16-17 (No. 205)"

  191. Walter, Fred "Questions & Answers," Bible Advocate (May 1982)

  192. Warren, Tony "The New Testament Sabbath Day"

  193. Weidner, Revere Franklin Studies in the Book. 3rd Series (Fleming Revell, 1890)

  194. Weiss, Herold von "Paul and the Judging of Days," ZNW 86:3-4 (1995): 137-53.

  195. Wesley, John "Notes on the Bible" on Col. 2:16 (re-published by Francis Asbury Press, 1987)

  196. Whidden, Woodrow W. Colossians 2:14-17. (Andrews University, 1968)

  197. Wood, Kenneth H. "The "Sabbath Days" of Colossians 2:16, 17," The Sabbath in Scripture and History. Appendix D. Edited by Kenneth A. Strand (Review and Herald Publishing Assoc., 1982): 338-42.

  198. Woodhouse, Sidney C. English-Greek Dictionary. (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971 reprint)

  199. Wright, Gerald N. Sabbatarian: Concordance and Commentary. (Star Bible & Tract, 1977)

  200. Wright, N. T. The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon: An Introduction and Commentary. (Eerdmans, 1986)

  201. Wuest, Kenneth S. The New Testament: An Expanded Translation. (Eerdmans, 1961)

  202. Yates, Roy The Epistle to the Colossians. Epworth Commentaries (Epworth Press, 1993)

  203. Yeager, Randolph O. The Renaissance New Testament. Vol. 15 (Pelican Publishing, 198 5)

  204. Zerwick, Max and Mary Grosvenor's A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament. 3rd edition (Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1988)

Additional web sites seen but not used:


COLOSSIANS 2:16 Sabbaths or Sabbath?

Faith in Legalism

For an interesting diagram of the book of Colossians see

For an colorful chart on the festivals of the Jewish year see


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